Matteo Fargion

Matteo Fargion (b.1961) is a composer, performer and teacher. His eclectic work, stemming broadly from the English Experimental and New Simplicity movements, embraces the handmade and the small scale. He is known as much for his long standing collaboration with choreographer Jonathan Burrows as for the music he continues to write for concerts, theatre and dance performances. Uniquely he began not only to accompany the dance with his music but to become part of it, preempting and influencing a new generation of composers drawn to performance work. Fargion continues to tour and teach widely with Burrows, developing new forms of performance collaboration including the year-long online project 52 Portraits which has attracted 89,000 visitors since 2016, the rock band series 'Music For Lectures' (2018-), and the London Contemporary Music Festival commission for dancer, singing pianist and orchestra Let us stop this mad rush towards the end (2019). He is also creating and performing with acclaimed Norwegian artist Mette Edvardsen, (Penelope Sleeps 2019 and oslo 2017) as well as collaborating with Claire Croizé, Karl Jay-Lewin and Andrea Spreafico. His pioneering composition workshops for dancers have become legendary, further blurring the boundaries between music and dance.